Amazing Discomfort
Discomfort in the form of negative emotion can create opportunities for greater understanding and connection with ourselves and others. Tap into your darker emotions and learn tools to help you stay present for yourself and others without judgement.
Bringing Forum Concepts into Business
Forum principles are easily translated into the business environment and more YPO members are starting to integrate Forum into their businesses. Learn how to apply forum to your company operations from members who have done it. Explore the pros and cons of different techniques and implementation ...
Building Bridges Through Forum
Gather with JAMA (Jewish Arab Muslims of America) forum members as they share their personal stories, difficulties, resolutions and lessons learned from this eye-opening experience. Find out what they discovered about themselves and each other when they engaged in respectful dialogue and met with...
Creating Forums in a Business
Hear learnings and impact from a member who has implemented forum groups for their business.
Forum in Family
Explore the Family in Forum toolkit and bring the strength and support of forum to your family. Spend time identifying the best forum principles for your family in small peer discussion groups.
Forum Logistics: Retreats
Plan a retreat experience for your forum designed to create connection and add value. Learn the three keys crucial to building an effective, meaningful retreat experience and discuss how and when to consider a retreat with another forum.
Forum Tools: Building a Common Purpose
Purpose is a strong driver across many aspects of life and a shared purpose can strengthen relationships. Purpose, however, evolves and changes over time. Identify your forum's purpose and explore how that purpose supports your goals in your forum and in your life.
FPXP: At Work and at Home, Forum Works
Sam Wang shares his experience as a forum committee member. Takeaways:Ice breakers help at meetings.
Disagreements don't get personal.
Exercises work with family, too. -
FPXP: Branding - A Different Approach
Terry O'Connor shares insights into a new and different approach to branding. Takeaways: Authenticity is key Relationship trumps positioning Heritage determines who you are
FPXP: Clearing Sessions and Confidentiality
Michael Belitz shares how to effectively use forum techniques to improve communication in your business. Takeaways: Uncover issues. Create a safe spot. Allow personal topics.
FPXP: Forum in Business
Barry Kaplan offers insights into why and how to use forum in any organization.
FPXP: Forum Techniques
Thomas Ng shares his tips for effectively leveraging Forum in his business. Takeaway: Forum techniques can be used in a remote environment to support and engage employees. Consider organizing your employees into groups (tribes) for increased engagement and interaction. Implement a system to conf...
FPXP: Forum Techniques - Clearing Sessions and Confidentiality
It's only natural that when people are working with one another up to 12 hours a day, conflicts may arise. Forum techniques can help to defuse tensions while also building trust. Takeaways - Use clearing sessions at the start of each large meeting. Adapt a level of confidentiality that works fo...
FPXP: Issues Clearing is Number 1
Ronda Shrewsbury Weybright describes why it is essential to begin with issue clearing when bringing forum techniques to your business. Takeaways: Use on executive retreats. Adopt for staff meetings. Keep small problems from becoming big.
GCC: Family Forum: Bring the Power of Forum Home
Join Clint Greenleaf (YPO Austin) and the Parenting Network as they welcome Brandon Schwertner (YPO Gulf States) for a condensed forum experience for the entire family with your children age 5 or older. This Global Conference Call will introduce you to bringing forum into your family, including w...
How Do You Create Trust?
Trust feels unquantifiable, but it boils down to five key pillars you can practice in your daily interactions.
1. Authenticity
2. Honesty
3. Credibility
4. Altruism
5. and EmpathyLearn what you can do as a leader to emphasize trust in your organization. For more, visit the YPO Trust Resources ...
How To Create Connecting Conversations - Leading With High EQ
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a crucial skill for leaders, employees, partners and friends alike. Developing EQ can help you build better relationships, manage conflict and be a more effective communicator. Why? Because your emotional levels dictate how you respond. Do you listen when you disagr...
MicroForum - How To Video
Welcome to YPO's MicroForumâ„¢ How-To video. MicroForum is an easy-to-use online tool designed to help members experience the power of peer-to-peer connections. It was created by a YPO member who wanted to kick-start conversations between members who may not know each other. This video was designed...
Moderator Mastery: Bringing your Forum to Group Leadership
Group leadership can be transformative for your forum. Implementing the group leadership model allows all members of the forum to contribute with equal power, vulnerability and engagement, while sharing the leadership role. Explore how to identify a forum that is ready for group leadership and di...
Practical Feedback
The growth of self-awareness leads to fewer blind spots and a greater ability to be genuine and authentic. Learn techniques for gaining feedback from others and practice both giving and receiving feedback. Your heart may race, but you will walk away energized and with new perspectives on how othe...
Practical Issues Clearing
How and when to speak up on a potential issue in forum or in any relationship in life is sometimes hard to determine. In this session, explore the pros and cons of issues clearing. Practice raising issues, using an example drawn from your life or a hypothetical. As with all forum spaces, this is ...
The Answer is Within: The Art of Solving Problems without Fixing Them
Uncover the dilemmas faced by your forum's members and learn how to find effective solutions designed to free self-limiting beliefs and eliminate assumptions. Foster an environment where members can unlock the creative solutions within them.
Four-Step Forum Exploration
Thousands of YPO members, spouses and partners are reaping the benefits of the Four-Step Forum Exploration (4SFE). This forum presentation model retains all the best parts of the traditional presentation method, but offers greater return on the forum experience. The Four-Step Forum Exploration is...
Going Deeper - Zane Robertson
Tools and tips for forum moderators.