Amazing Discomfort
Moderator Tools
Discomfort in the form of negative emotion can create opportunities for greater understanding and connection with ourselves and others. Tap into your darker emotions and learn tools to help you stay present for yourself and others without judgement.
Up Next in Moderator Tools
Bringing Forum Concepts into Business
Forum principles are easily translated into the business environment and more YPO members are starting to integrate Forum into their businesses. Learn how to apply forum to your company operations from members who have done it. Explore the pros and cons of different techniques and implementation ...
Building Bridges Through Forum
Gather with JAMA (Jewish Arab Muslims of America) forum members as they share their personal stories, difficulties, resolutions and lessons learned from this eye-opening experience. Find out what they discovered about themselves and each other when they engaged in respectful dialogue and met with...
Creating Forums in a Business
Hear learnings and impact from a member who has implemented forum groups for their business.