Wellness Wednesday - Learning to Love Midlife with Chip Conley
Join YPO member, New York Times bestselling author, and the Airbnb founders' in-house mentor Chip Conley (YPO Global One Integrated) for an inspiring and actionable Wellness Wednesday focused on our life stages in our 40s, 50s, and 60s.
Using social science evidence and his own experience founding MEA (The Modern Elder Academy), the world's first midlife wisdom school, Chip will:
· Reveal the 12 reasons why life gets better with age.
· Provide a blueprint on how you can develop a midlife roadmap to help you consciously curate the second half of your adult life.
· Clarify the value of intergenerational collaboration in the workplace.
· Share wisdom practices and why he believes successful leaders value wisdom
· Define the primary ways to live a longer, happier life (based upon Modern Elder Academy's partner Blue Zones' research)
Irrespective of where you find yourself on your midlife journey, join us for a perspective-shifting Wellness Wednesday and reframe your thinking about the natural transition of midlife not as a crisis, but as an opportunity.