Leader Of Leaders Saurabh Goswamy (YPO Gujarat)
Leader of Leaders Podcast
The Leadership Development Network is focused on inspiring YPO members to have a greater impact in their professional, community and personal spheres of influence. Through our conversations with fellow YPOers, we aim to delve into relate-able leadership challenges, explore new concepts and approaches, as well as uncover opportunities that will help each of you optimize your leadership capacity and business potential.
‘Leaders of Leaders’ is the Leadership Development Network’s official podcast series – a program dedicated to celebrating, inspiring and facilitating lifelong learning for YPO members across the board. Listen-in as Saurabh Goswamy (YPO Gujarat) shares his story. Saurabh Goswamy (YPO Gujarat) is a risk-taker with the ability to envisage opportunities and devise strategies for long term growth. His expertise is in Marketing & Finance, which lead him to initiate an Investment Bank that focuses on Transformational enterprises with a lean on Technology. Listen to his key takeaways and perceptive on these thought-provoking questions:
Are you a wartime General or a peacetime General?
What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
What lessons do you hope your children learn from you?
Up Next in Leader of Leaders Podcast
Leaders of Leaders Elizabeth Zucker
The Leadership Development Network is focused on inspiring YPO members to have greater impact in their professional, community and personal spheres of influence. Through our conversations with fellow YPOers, we aim to delve into relate-able leadership challenges, explore new concepts and approach...
Leaders of Leaders Wiktor Schmidt
The Leadership Development Network is focused on inspiring YPO members to have greater impact in their professional, community and personal spheres of influence. Through our conversations with fellow YPOers, we aim to delve into relate-able leadership challenges, explore new concepts and approach...
Leaders of Leaders Dave Garrison
The Leadership Development Network is focused on inspiring YPO members to have greater impact in their professional, community and personal spheres of influence. Through our conversations with fellow YPOers, we aim to delve into relate-able leadership challenges, explore new concepts and approach...