Demystifying Adobe Photoshop - The Basics
1h 47m
Delve into the potential of Photoshop and its tools during this two-part series with Michael Eleftheriades, architect, photographer, Nikon Owner London Group coordinator and director of Media Synthesis. You will learn an efficient photographic workflow and develop a clear understanding of layers, channels, curves, color correction and color matching in Adobe Photoshop software. We will explore more sophisticated methods to refine your digital images with advanced selection and masking techniques. Build a solid understanding of the Photoshop tools a photographer needs to create dynamic, colorful or tone-rich digital files. Part 1: The Basics Learn how to refine your digital images with Adobe Photoshop. This first session will cover the basics including setting up preferences, using Bridge, lightroom and lightroom classic color management, soft proofing, resizing, using levels and curves, making selections, retouching, compositing, sky replacement and neural filters. Explore a range of creative ideas for your photographs with these features and enhancements.