YNG The Autoimmune Plague
1h 0m
How To Regain Mastery Over Your Body and Life
Today, 1 out of 7 Americans alone are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, whether from the debilitating effects of Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis or over 100 additional diseases. The prevalence of these autoimmune diseases continues to rapidly rise. It wasn’t always like this, in fact, dozens of documented niche populations around the globe lived almost entirely devoid of any of them.
Determined to discover the root causes of his crippling digestive issues that eventually advanced to Crohn’s disease, psoriasis and inflammatory arthritis, YNGer, Dr. Colby Kash, developed an evidence-based blueprint designed to combat the smorgasbord of psychological, emotional, physical and environmental stress factors that contribute to autoimmune diseases. In the end, this blueprint won back his health and he hopes to spread the knowledge to many that are suffering the debilitating effects of autoimmune disease.
In his book, The Autoimmune Plague, Colby carefully identifies the provocative factors of our evolutionary inconsistent environment in which we now exist and how this eventually leads to an immune frenzy destiny. Our cells speak a unique language through turning genes on and off through the elimination of immune triggers that negatively influence our well-being.
Attendees will receive a complimentary e-copy of Colby's book The Autoimmune Plague
Take Homes:
· Understand the contributing factors to autoimmune disease such as diet, environmental toxins, bacterial/fungal overgrowth, and more.
· Gain insights on known strategies to improve symptoms of autoimmune disease.
· Create a framework for healthy living to maintain a robust immune system.
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