Web 3.0 Demystified: Deep Dive - “DAOs”
Inside the Industry
Learning Advisory Partners (LAP) is a YPO Global Learning Committee initiative meant to help YPO Members stay two steps ahead of global mega-trends that influence their businesses, such as “Digital Transformation.” LAP is collaborating with the Technology Network and its YPO expert partners to provide Members with tools to help them explore and inspire learning around nascent Web 3.0 technologies.
This peer-to-peer virtual coffee hour learning series provides YPO Members unbiased and trusted information on the disruptive changes Web 3.0 technology challengers are bringing to established industry incumbents built on older business models and legacy technology.
After this interactive discussion session, Members will:
Understand the broad technologies underlying Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
Understand the differences between Traditional organizations and DAOs (e.g., hierarchy and control, accountability, and voting, voting outcome execution, services, etc.) and identify the areas to target within your organization.
Appreciate the potential disruptive impact of Web3 technology for your organization and adapt mitigation mechanisms from the shared real-world experiences of your YPO peers.
Expand your current business support network to include trusted peer YPO related Web3 experts.
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