Robin Farmanfarmaian - Cutting-Edge Health Monitoring Devices You Need to Know
3m 3s
Up Next in AI
9 Flawed (But Useful) Metaphors for AI
While history may not repeat itself, it often rhymes. Generative AI—a powerful yet unpredictable and mysterious technology—presents a unique collection of challenges and opportunities for humans to understand and prepare for.
Join us in this thought-provoking talk, hosted by Leadership Developm...
AI Coffee Hour: Q&A with Cohere on En...
The AI Coffee Hour series seeks to inspire business leaders to embrace AI’s potential by creating a space to discover real-world strategies and applications of AI. Every session covers news and headlines, plus an interview and QNA with a guest expert. It’s a space to discuss real world case studi...
GLC Istanbul 2024: Riaz Shah
As our world undergoes rapid transformation, we are facing a wave of disruption and uncertainty in our businesses. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking session with Riaz Shah, one of our Learning Advisory Partners, who will delve into these changes and offer his insights on how businesse...